Alliance 2911 Real Estate Investing Group
Going it alone can be treacherous. Meet our community of investors and discover how you can gain the knowledge and skillsets to live a life by design
Keith Cardinal, Founder of Alliance 2911 REIG, Founders' Board Member Alliance Mastermind Community
A former Global Supply Chain Director for a Multi-national Company, and a successful Consultant. Keith wanted a better plan for his and his wife Laura's future.
He sought out Real Estate and after researching several programs was thrilled to find this community based on a solid education platform
with investors who are actively doing deals every day. He's used his self directed 401K to invest in flips, private lending, lease options,
subject to, and is w building a portfolio of single and multifamily rentals. His passion is in changing the conversation regarding affordable housing and off-site construction methods. He is now a published author and helps others achieve their dreams
through financial literacy and Real Estate Investing
Click the button below to attend one of our Online Property tours or Webinar Introductions and get a free e-version of my book. ( $20 value). Hear from the pros
how to profit in all markets. You will also have access to an exciting video that shows an amazing strategy to pay off amortized loans in a fraction of the time at a fraction of the interest!